We can also check out the financial status of a supplier so that we do not buy from a financially-unstable company. We consistently assert the mentality that we need reliable and genuine despatch times, as so many will quote a quick despatch time to get an order, only to take a lot longer than promised to send the goods and treating it as normal. One of the most important things we look for, aside from just the quality and reliability of the product(s), is a professional and reliable work ethic that is acceptable to the customer, even when based in an area which generally carries a different work mentality to their own.
We are a go-between for both customer and supplier, and pride ourselves in
building long-term, smooth and easy working relationships. A large percentage of our contracts begin when we have been called in to solve discrepancies and seemingly-major problems with the supplier, which in fact evaporate as total misunderstandings. We have taken over all communications and paperwork, in the process gaining a discount from the supplier and kick-starting many years of peaceful trading, with the supplier paying our commission so the customer pays no more. We can provide our customers with a detailed report of our findings in regards to suppliers, ensuring you get the service, quality and fair price you seek.